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County Services

Anoka County Compost Sites

Anoka County has two compost sites available to its residents:  Bunker Hills Compost Site in Coon Rapids and Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Compost Site in Lino Lakes.  The sites provide a good option when you have large quantities of leaves or grass clippings that you are unable to compost or leave on your lawn at home.  Both sites are open April through November (weather permitting).  You must show proof of residency to use these sites.  A fee is charged.

When you drop off yard waste at one of the compost sites, you will need to unload it and take your bags or containers back home with you.  Tree waste may be loose or bundled.  You may also take free finished unscreened compost from the sites when it is available.  Remember to bring your own shovel and containers.

For more information on fees, hours of operation and examples of acceptable materials at both compost sites, go to the Anoka County Recycling webpage or call Anoka County Recycling & Resource Solutions at 763-324-3400.

Anoka County Historical Society

The Historical Society, founded in 1934, gathers, preserves, and makes available Anoka County History for all future generations. Located at 2135-3rd Avenue North in Anoka, the Historical Society is open on Tuesday from 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM, Wednesday through Friday from 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM, and Saturday from 10:oo AM - 4:00 PM. It is also open by appointment for groups.

Contact: Vickie Wendel, (763) 421-0600

Anoka County Traveler

The Traveler, a transit program of the Regional Transit Board with the cooperation of Anoka County, is a door-to-door transportation system in Northern Anoka County. Mini-buses, equipped with wheelchair lifts and accessible to the disabled, are available to everyone regardless of age or income. For more detailed information and reservations, contact the Traveler.

  • Anoka County Transit- General Information: 763-324-3250
  • Customer Concerns: Anne Walter, Anoka County Transit, 763-324-3106
  • Metro Mobility Customer Relations: 651-602-1111

Mediation Services for Anoka County

An alternative to court proceedings, Mediation Services provides free, confidential, and quick resolution of conflicts of neighbors, youth, business and consumer, landlord and tenant, and more. Parties involved work out their own solution with guidance from trained volunteer mediators.

Contact: Ann Wallerstedt, (763) 422-8878

Neighborhood Watch

The Neighborhood Crime Watch is sponsored by the City of Ham Lake and the Anoka County Sheriff's Office. To organize a new neighborhood group or to find out the name of your block captain, contact Anoka County Sheriff's Office (763) 324-5000.

North Central Branch - Anoka County Library

The North Central Branch Library in Ham Lake has been serving the northern Anoka County area since 1978. It serves as a community library providing popular materials, basic reference services, and programs to serve the informational and recreational needs of its users. The popular Summer Reading Program encourages children of all ages to read during the summer months. The North Central Branch is open six days per week. Contact the branch library for current hours and program schedules.

North Central Library website

Call: (763) 324-2100

Private Well Water Safety

Residents are encouraged to test the safety of private well water. The testing of private wells used for drinking water is the responsibility of individual owners. There are an estimated 25,000 wells in service throughout Anoka County. Only a small percentage of private wells are tested annually.

Well Water Wise

The Anoka County Community Health and Environmental Services Department, in cooperation with 12 municipalities, sponsors its annual "Well Water Wise" (3W) promotion in May of each year to encourage residents to check the safety of their private well water.

Anoka County's 3W promotion coincides with National Safe Drinking Water Week. The purpose of 3W is to raise awareness of the need to test and maintain the safety of household wells. Residents are encouraged to perform an annual sanitary analysis to determine the concentration of nitrate-nitrogen and the presence of coliform bacteria in their drinking water supply.

Water Testing

For the latest information on how to get your well water tested with Anoka County please visit Water Information and Management website.

Dangers of Untested Well Water

Unlike public water utilities, private well water is not treated with chlorine to kill bacteria. Simply looking at the appearance of drinking water is not a reliable indicator of whether it is safe to drink. An annual coliform bacteria test is a good way to ensure that water continues to be free of bacteria.

Nitrate-nitrogen occurs naturally in groundwater and in wells at concentrations below one milligram per liter (mg/L). The Minnesota Department of Health has established a Health Risk Limit (HRL) for nitrate-nitrogen at 10 mg/L. Levels above that point may pose an immediate risk to infants and pregnant women. Nitrogen can seep into private wells from a variety of sources, including septic systems, nitrogen fertilizers, animal feedlots, and landfills.

In addition to testing for nitrate-nitrogen and the presence of coliform bacteria, the Community Health and Environmental Services Department also can provide analyses for:

  • Arsenic
  • Chloride
  • Fluoride
  • Iron
  • Lead
  • Total hardness

University of Minnesota Extension Service, Anoka County

The University of Minnesota Extension Service is a unique partnership of federal, state, and county government, bringing together the University's resources and Anoka County communities. Staff and trained volunteers work closely with individuals, families, and groups to respond to the needs of Anoka County residents. We offer workshops and clinics, small and large group meetings, printed fact sheets and bulletins, school enrichment programs, and phone and individual consultation.

Call: (763) 755-1280

City Hall

15544 Central Avenue NE Ham Lake, MN 55304

(763) 434-9555

Mon - Thurs: 7:00 am to 4:30 pm
Fri: 7:00 am to 11:00 am

Electronic Payments