Planning and Zoning Department
The Planning and Zoning Department is primarily responsible for accepting planning and development applications that are submitted to the City and enforcement of the City Code through the following:
- Reviewing and processing land use applications and other planning and zoning requests to assure that they are in conformance with the City Code
- Working with other government agencies and consultants
- Conducting historical research and preparing reports
- Enforcing violations of the ordinances, such as property maintenance, through a complaint-based system
- Preparing information and reports for consideration by the Planning Commission and/or City Council
- Responding to residents and developers’ inquiries regarding zoning codes
Most of the Planning and Zoning rules and regulations are based on these documents:
Most applications that are reviewed and processed by the Planning and Zoning Department are presented to the Planning Commission, who makes a recommendation to the City Council.
Code violations & enforcement process
The Planning and Zoning Department enforces the zoning and land use regulations and public nuisances. If you have a concern regarding land use or public nuisances, please contact the Planning and Zoning Department.
Planning Informational Handouts
- Application for Planning Request (for all applications)
- Commercial Building Site Plan Requirements
- Commercial Certificate of Occupancy Requirements
- Conditional Use Permit Requirements
- Metes and Bounds Conveyance Application Procedures
- Metes and Bounds Conveyance with Courtesy Combination Application Procedures
- Multiple Dog License Application Procedures
- Platting / Subdivision Requirements
- Rezoning Requirements
- United States Postal Service - Guide for Developers and Builders