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Personal Recreational Vehicles and Special Vehicle Permits

Article Date

With the arrival of warmer weather, personal recreational vehicles will return from winter hibernation. Please remember to stay safe by wearing protective gear and riding responsibly. Also, remember to follow Ham Lake City Code:

4-722. - Use and Noise Restrictions of Personal Recreational Vehicles. A Personal Recreational Vehicle may be used on residential property within the city, but only on the condition that the operator adheres to the following:

A) A Personal Recreational Vehicle may be used on an established riding area or residentially zoned property only if it is no closer than 50 feet from any lot boundary line and no closer than 100 feet from any dwelling unit other than the dwelling unit located on the residentially zoned property the Personal Recreational Vehicle is being driven on.

B) The use of a Personal Recreational Vehicle does not violate the excessive noise restrictions of Article 4- 712 (H).

C) No more than two persons who are not residents of any particular residential property may simultaneously use Personal Recreational Vehicles on the residential property. It is the responsibility of the owner of that residential property to enforce this restriction.

D) Personal Recreational Vehicles may be operated on residential property only during the following hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. through 8:00 p.m., and Saturdays and Sundays, 9:00 a.m. through 8:00 p.m.

E) The operation of one or more Personal Recreational Vehicles on any residential property shall be limited to a total of one hour per day.


To get a permit application and view the full 6-400 through 6-440 covering special vehicles: motorized golf carts, utility task vehicles, Class 1 all-terrain vehicles, mini-trucks; permits, and operation; visit:


The DNR website has safety tips and links for youth safety training courses.

City Hall

15544 Central Avenue NE Ham Lake, MN 55304

(763) 434-9555

Mon - Thurs: 7:00 am to 4:30 pm
Fri: 7:00 am to 11:00 am

Electronic Payments