Update to Ham Lake's ISO Rating
Ham Lake’s ISO Rating
Ham Lake’s current ISO rating is a 6 (six) for the majority of the city.
What does your ISO rating mean for your insurance?
Many insurance companies use fire insurance classification numbers from Insurance Services Office, Inc. (ISO) to help determine the rates they charge policy holders for property insurance. An ISO rating is only one factor insurance companies use in determining rates, and the effect of the ISO rating varies from company to company. To determine fire insurance classification, ISO evaluates several factors, including: call reporting (911) and dispatching capabilities, firefighting equipment available, and water supply. Cities undergo a complete analysis periodically (roughly every 10 years) and submit updated information to ISO annually, or as needed.
The City of Ham Lake underwent a complete review by ISO in 2024, and the fire protection class rating has changed to “Class 6/10”, effective March, 2025. The split rating means that any property located within five road miles of a Ham Lake fire station would be given an ISO rating of 6. Property further than five road miles from a station would receive a rating of 10.
After the recent opening of fire station 3, most property is located within three miles of a fire station.
- Station No. 1 – 15544 Central Avenue NE
- Station No. 2 – 17321 Xylite Street NE
- Station No. 3 – 4244 149th Avenue NE